Tuesday, January 3, 2012


On Nov. 7, 2011 I posted that I had been 1 week without a cigarette. I had been taking champix to assist with quitting and was in my 4th week of using it. It is now Jan. 3, 2012 and a brand new year has begun. I am still not smoking.... for the most part. 

Till around December 4th, 2011 I did manage to stay completely cigarette free. So I was doing really well, even though the Champix made me feel sick to my stomach most of the time and aggravated my hiatus hernia as well, making that area hurt. Such was my resolve.

Then Frodo blew a disc in his back for the third time. I know from previous vet consults that this can cause euthenasia to be the only option. Of course I stressed majorly. I broke down and had two cigarettes that day and each day for the next two days as well. Once he started to appear to be out of danger I didn't have another cigarette for a week or so... then I had one again. Another week without a cigarette, and I had part of one. I have been weaning myself off the Champix and am down to one a day, which I take in the evening. That way some of the worst of the side effects have faded somewhat.

I am feeling better, I think. I do know I breath far easier now. But I have put on weight again, which can feel very disheartening after fighting to get it off. I haven't gained it all back.... just 12 pounds of the 50 I had lost, but that is enough. Another effect of quitting is that my insulin needs went up almost instantly and have, of course, increased as the added weight was gained. I sure hope I am able to lose it again. For me, being overweight is something that undermines my confidence in many areas. Psycological to be sure, and not how I feel about others who carry too much weight. It's a personal thing pertaining to me only.

I want to decrease my need for  insulin again as  well, and weight reduction does that, though I can see I will have to lose more than the 12 pounds I gained to get back to the same place. I think, if I can get down to an ideal weight for my height and build, I may be off insulin and just be able to work with diet and oral medication. At least that is my hope.

I am keeping an eye on my blood pressure too, as it seems to have increased some with the cessation of smoking. That may balance out again, but is something to keep a close eye on.

All in all I would say that I am doing quite well and 90% of the time I don't even think about having a cigarette. Nor do I often  feel a need for one. I don't beat myself up over breaking through and having one on the days I am stressed to the max.. I get hold of my will power and carry on from there.

I will keep you updated on the progress from here. I know it can't help but improve my health to quit smoking and I am almost there!

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